Thursday 31 December 2015

Modernisation of streamulus

After a 3-year stroll in javaland, it's time for me to get back to C++, and what better way than upgrading streamulus to use modern C++ features?

 There will some API breaking changes, but hopefully they will be obvious and appreciated (such as, InputStream<T> instead of typename InputStream<T>::type). I will blog about changes that are not obvious.

Please stay with an older version until you are ready to migrate client code to the new API.

Saturday 31 January 2015

RcppStreams - use streamulus from R

Dirk Eddelbuettel has just published an R package that lets you use streamulus code from R scripts.

Read about it here.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Reverting Streamulus License Back to GPL

Last year someone asked me to relax the license, but then I never heard from him again and I don't know if the relaxed license made any difference to anyone. Now I have the opportunity to collaborate with a developer who, like me, prefers a copyleft license.

If you rely on the Apache license, keep using the version of streamulus you have. Otherwise, you can look forward to new developments soon.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Streamulus license changed to Apache 2.0

Following a request from a potential commercial user, Streamulus is now distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.

I initially selected the Gnu license because I like the copyleft spirit - you take, you give back, everybody wins. However, I realize that it is probably not a practical license in today's world.

Under the Apache 2.0 license, you can use streamulus with few restrictions, as long as you give credit where it is due (i.e., leave the copyright notices where they are) and clearly identify the changes you make.

I enjoyed working on streamulus and enjoy it even more when it is used. If you find it useful or interesting, please find the time to drop me an email and let me know a bit about how you got interested in streamulus and what your use case is.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Streamulus V1.0

Streamulus has evolved since v0.1 first came out, and it's probably time to mark a new release point. Most of the changes were cleanup and low-level performance improvements. The main API change is that the strops' Filter mechanism was replaced by the possibility to return a boost::optional. boost::none means no-output. This API is more natural and easier to work with.  The examples have been updated to work in this way.

The spreadsheet utility was also updated to work with the new API. It uses streamulus to support reactive programming in C++.

Monday 6 August 2012

"Spreadsheet programming" in C++

In a previous post I explained that Streamulus is not just-a-spreadsheet because beyond managing dependencies between scalar values, it defines a programming language for computations over ordered event streams. As such, it can be used as the backbone of a CEP system.

Then it occurred to me that it would be fun to write a spreadsheet library (a la the Lisp Cells library) and that this could be a good way of demonstrating some of the capabilities of Streamulus.  So I did, here it is.  I don't know of another C++ library that does this, so please let me know if there is one.

Usage is like so:

#include "spreadsheet.hpp"

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    using namespace spreadsheet;

    Spreadsheet sheet;

    // Create some cells
    Cell<double> a = sheet.NewCell<double>(); 
    Cell<double> b = sheet.NewCell<double>(); 
    Cell<double> c = sheet.NewCell<double>(); 

    // Assign expressions to them:
    c.Set(SQRT(a()*a() + b()*b()));

    // print the values:
    std::cout << " a=" << a.Value() 
              << " b=" << b.Value() 
              << " c=" << c.Value() << std::endl;

    // change a and see it propagate:

    std::cout << " a=" << a.Value() 
              << " b=" << b.Value() 
              << " c=" << c.Value() << std::endl;

This program will print:
 a=3 b=4 c=5 
 a=4 b=4 c=5.65685

There are a few limitations in the first version, which can be helped with some more work (such as the need to write a() and b() rather than simply a and b in the expression above). See the README file and the example code for more information. 

Sunday 8 July 2012

Data Streams vs. Streams of Data

The Streamulus engine applies techniques that are used in Reactive Programming systems, which maintain a dependency diagram between different components and automatically propagate changes to inputs. Spreadsheets are the most well known example of reactive systems - once the dependencies between the cells have been set up, a change in any cell propagates to all cells that depend on it.

However, there is a significant difference between something like a spreadsheet and a stream processing system: A spreadsheet encodes relationships between scalar values. Once the value in a cell changes, its previous value no longer matters. In a stream processing problem, on the other hand, the entities we are reasoning about are not the individual scalar values that are streaming in, but rather the data streams themselves. They have meaningful properties that depend on multiple elements as well as on their order, such as moving average or historical volatility.

From the implementation point of view, this means that we need to be more careful about how exactly we propagate data through the dependency graph. For example, assume that we have a spreadsheet with four cells: A is an input cell where we place a number, and then we have three cells B,C,D which collectively compute the value of (A+1)/(A+2):

B := A+1
C := A+2
D := B/C

Assume that the value in cell A is 0 (so B=1, C=2 and D=1/2), and we change the value of A to 1. How should we propagate the change? The most efficient update order is to first update B=2 and C=3, and finally recompute D=2/3. However, if your spreadsheet computes the cells in a different order, such as: B=2 D=1, C=3, D=2/3 then the final result is the same. It is a waste of time to compute D twice, but logically the result is correct.

Now consider the same arithmetic over streams. If A is the stream {0,1}, then the value of the stream (A+1)/(A+2) is exactly the stream {1/2, 2/3}. If we produce the stream {1/2, 1, 2/3} because we computed D at an intermediate stage, then the output is logically incorrect.

Push and Pull

The computation graph for our expression looks like this:

What is the algorithm for propagating changes to A? The incorrect scheme we attempted above is push: after a cell is updated, every cell that depends on it is recursively updated. The reason that this did not work is because there are two paths from A to D, so A affects D in two different ways and we recomputed D while taking account of only one of the effects.  If D knows that there is a dependency between its inputs, it can wait until both are updated before recomputing its value and propagating it on. However, if our system is implemented in a reasonable way, the D node is a simple division operator that has no knowledge of the topology of the graph.

Could a pull method work? Before updating a node, recursively update anything it depends on. There are two problems with this approach. First, it departs from the reactive programming model - rather than inputs automatically propagating to the outputs, we need to actively request the outputs to update themselves. Second, each such update may need to involve a larger portion of the graph than is strictly necessary; Since a node does not necessarily emit a change to its output stream for every change to its input streams, it is not possible to know which nodes will need to do something in reaction to a change in a certain input.

The right thing to do is to propagate the changes forward from the input nodes, in topological order. Some systems, such as Boost accumulators and TPIE, apply a static update order. When constructing the graph, they also create a list of the nodes in topological order, and use this list to direct propagation of data through the graph.

Streamulus, on the other hand, dynamically discovers which nodes need to be updated. Like the push method, it begins at the inputs that have updates and traverses the graph forward. However, it does not immediately ask every dependent node to update itself. Rather, it inserts all successors of the updated input nodes into a priority queue, where the priority of a node is its topological order index. It then repeatedly removes the highest priority node from the queue (the one with the smallest topological order index) and activates it. If this node chooses to emit an output, its successor nodes are inserted into the priority queue (if they were not already there) so that they will be activated as well.

The advantage of the dynamic approach is that we only traverse parts of the graph that need to be traversed. The disadvantage is the performance cost of queueing. The static update order will be more efficient if updates tend to propagate through all or most nodes of the graph. When there are many inputs, each of which affects a small fraction of the nodes, or when there are nodes that filter streams such that inputs do not usually propagate beyond them, the dynamic approach scales better.

In the future, we plan to develop a hybrid method that computes a static update order for certain subgraphs and applies dynamic decisions only at the junctions between them.